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Qest4 Bioenergetics Body Scans
Balancing From Within


Our bodies are made up of measurable energy. The QEST4 system is a form of bio-energetic testing that uses quantum based technology to measure the body's energy response to specific energetic signatures, addressing stressed body systems. You may be familiar with other forms of bio-energetic testing such as muscle testing and kinesiology. The Qest4 is like high speed kinesiology.


The Qest4 testing analyzes thousands of energetic signatures as they pass through your body, assessing your resistance to specific signatures related to various factors, including meridian points linked to internal organs, toxins, nutritional elements, emotional patterns, environmental pollutants, and more. Once the system identifies the primary imbalances within the body, it aims to restore balance by pinpointing the signatures that can help achieve this. Each response is categorized as either a stress or depletion response, allowing us to identify the core issues. Frequently, the underlying causes involve a mix of factors, such as emotional stress, toxic overload, nutritional deficiencies, sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, and others.


While the Qest4 system is not diagnostic, it gathers all the relevant balancing information to create a unique, custom energetically imprinted remedy designed to restore the individual’s balance. Recommendations for balancing items may also include physical supplements. The Qest4 approach considers the whole person, creating balance and wellness from within.

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Qest4 Bioenergetic Benefits

  • Bioenergetic testing is essentially asking the body a question through electromagnetic signals and obtaining the response from your own body's physiology, removing practitioner bias. The system responds with your body's own information! 

  • Extensive comprehensive analysis of imbalances in your body, addressing the whole person, identifying underlying issues that may not be apparent in traditional medical tests, such as uncovering emotional blockages or traumas

  • Provides real time feedback based on what your body responds at that time. No waiting for test results to come in or blood tests to come back

  • Helps identify various stressors, be they physical, emotional, or environmental, that may be affecting your health. Recognizing these stressors can facilitate targeted interventions

  • Provide greater insight into your health, allowing you to take an active and preventive role in your wellness journey

  • Personalized energetic imprints tailored to your body

  • Non-invasive and pain free (no needles or blood tests)​

  • Safe for adults and children

  • Cost effective, you are not dropping thousands of dollars

  • Complimentary to traditional medicine


You will be asked to complete an intake form prior to your initial session.


Belief and mindset are crucial components in bioenergetics and wellness. They can significantly influence the effectiveness of sessions and remedies, shape the healing journey, and ultimately contribute to better health outcomes. If a person believes that a bioenergetic treatment will be effective, they are more likely to experience positive outcomes. This can create a feedback loop, where improved health reinforces their belief in the treatment.


A positive mindset can reduce stress and anxiety, which are known to negatively impact health. When individuals feel optimistic about their health journey, they may experience lower stress levels, leading to better overall well-being.


Belief in the efficacy of bioenergetics encourages individuals to take an active role in their healing journey. This empowerment can enhance their commitment to the wellness plan and overall lifestyle changes. A positive mindset fosters an openness to new experiences and approaches, allowing individuals to fully engage with bioenergetic techniques and other holistic practices.


In a nutshell, we ask that you come with an open mind, belief that health improvement is possible through bioenergetics and be an active participant in your wellness plan.

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